Monday, 27 October 2014

Halloween Spider Nails

These are my Halloween Spider nails that didn't turn out quite so perfect but look pretty funky from afar lol. Really quick and easy to do and cute with a black dress, smokey eyes and a little spider hair piece, for the person who doesn't want to dress up, but doesn't want to be boring either :)
First I painted all my nails in Gosh 'Holographic' nail polish that I used in my previous blog post. This colour is so flipping cool and the picture does not do it justice!
I dipped the point of a pen in black nail polish and drew small curvy lines diagonally on my thumb and ring finger. I would suggest using a skewer or tooth pick but I didn't have any. You can also leave it here is you aren't going for a Halloween look as I think this looks pretty cool as it is!
I then drew as-thin-as-possible black lines through the curvy lines to make the web-ish look! I messed up and had to re-do this twice so don't worry if you do that's what nail polish remover and patience is for :)
I decided to take it a step further and add an itsy bitsy spider on my index finger, which didn't turn out the healthiest looking of spiders, but oh well! For this I painted a small blob and dragged out 6 small legs with the same pen.
Finish with a clear top coat and there ya go! Hope you enjoy and Happy Halloweeeeeen 💀

Friday, 24 October 2014

Easy Sparkling Leopard Nails

Coral and silver leopard print nails :) Easier than they look.

These nails are so pretty and are surprisingly easy to do! If you don't like the coral colour you can change them up, and you can alter them to what you'd like. They can spice up a boring pair of hands and if you're being a cat or a leopard for Halloween, you're sorted! The best part is they look more difficult than they actually are - If I can do it you can do It! ✨

First I painted two coats of Miss Sporty, number 326 on all fingers.

I then used a cotton bud to paint large dots on my ring finger and my thumb. I first used a white nail polish as a base for Gosh's 'Holographic' Nail Polish. This colour is so gorgeous and sparkly, especially in the light.

I dipped the tip of a pen in black nail polish and drew semi-circles around the dots and added dots or squiggly lines around them.

I then added the same 'Holographic' nail polish on the tips of the rest of the nails, which took longer than I thought to get right!

This step is optional but I took the pen dipped in black polish again and drew a small heart on my index finger but I think it looks just as nice without it.

Hope you all have fun recreating this look and leave requests below if you have any ✨


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ode to Bearphone

The best phone anyone could ever ask for <3

Loved by all

He never left my side. (for too long)

Ode to Bearphone:

 Today is a heart breaking day for anyone who knew and loved Bearphone. While innocently getting a beverage in Costa, what looked like a female Captain Hook obviously grew jealous of my pal and grabbed poor Bearphone out of my hand when I was distracted. I hope whoever ends up with him will feel as happy as he made me.

 After losing him on a ski slope in the Alps, on a subway in New York, and on a Roller coaster in Spain, you always found your way back to me
Well the day has finally come that we wont be reunited again and my heart is aching.
Goodbye Bearphone, Phone, Pal, Friend.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Tea and chats with Bex

Ah the joys that a simple mug of tea can bring <3
Today I caught up with one of my favourite people in the world who recently moved to Galway for college! I experienced my first ever taste of a 'Teaser' chocolate bar, and it was amazing. Although from the photo's it may look like I am dining alone, I am not, she just didn't want to be photographed bare-faced, even though she is beautiful :)
You may also notice a cheeky bear in the bottom corner of the photo, who is also very dear to me and goes by the name of #Bearphone, (my phone case) he is my number one companion <3

Friday, 17 October 2014

Caramel Hot Chocolate

Ahh the king of the hot chocs!
Mmm if only computer screens were 4d...

So today I visited a beloved café of mine today which always manages to brighten my day and tantalise my taste buds, the one and only, Insomnia. I used to have a sick obsession with their hot chocolate and spent 90 percent of my very small sum of pocket money there fuelling my addiction.

 I then started realising how expensive everything else is in life is (trains, nightclubs, college books) and started noticing less and less of my money being left over for luxuries like hot chocolate, hence I have not paid a visit to my love for over 4 months and as the saying goes, you really don't know what you got till its gone!!

As I entered, the sweet waft of my favourite smell in the world tickled at my nostrils and it was clear, I was home. just when I was ready to order and purchase my hot chocolate, I overheard the most unexpected, shocking and amazing thing ever... Caramel Hot Chocolate!! oh to say my heart skipped a beat!

So I received my dream in a cup, downed it in one and I have no regrets :)
I seriously urge every one of you to take my advice and try the best drink in the world!
I also recommend the Rocky Road to go with it oh momma <3
#NotSponsored lol


Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Halloween is approaching!

So, since Halloween (one of my FAVOURITE times of the year) is fast approaching, I think it's time... to decide on a costume. This is one of the best and most exciting things to do for me because there is so much fun and creative Halloween costume idea's to choose from! I think that it is even funner to dress up in a group because 1) there is so much funny tv show/movie ideas to re-create and 2) if the costume fails you wont be the only one laughed at! :D
Here are some fun and festive Halloween costume idea's to get ya started:
  • The cast of 'Recess', with a group of friends.
  • Telletubbies, if you have a little extra cash as it is hard to make yourself.
  • Adam and Eve, if you're feeling scandalous and don't mind walking around in only leaves.
  • Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the 'Cat in the Hat'
  • The Mario Kart gang would be so good!
  • Minions from Despicable me
  • Edward scissor hands
  • An X-Ray machine (draw an X-Ray on a cardboard poster and carry it in front of you)
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
  • And my personal favourite that I've tried and failed multiple times to pull of... The cast of Toy Story! ( of course I would be Buzz as he is my king)
I can't wait to start plotting and planning for a craycray costume this year :) Here are a few things I've dressed up as over the years!
Hope your costumes go well, happy haunting and I'll speak to y'all soon! see yaaa <3
Jenni :))
Meddling Kids :P
Santa's helpers!

16 and pregnant lol (no offence to anyone who is!)
And of course the ever acceptable, Zombie :)

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Portugal 2014!

Lololol, the weirdest feeling ever!
Before heading to the strip :) (those are lemonades and fake cigarettes)

Para-gliding, absolutely amazing.
My main girls (except Rach, the photographer) on the most beautiful beach ever <3.

Hey hey :)

So even though my friends and I went to Albufeira in Portugal way back in June, I am feeling a bit nostalgic about it so decided to do a #ThrowbackTuesday, because its not Thursday yet :)
The day after finishing my leaving cert, four of my best friends from my secondary school and I jetted of to the BEAUTIFUL Albufeira for one amazing week of sun, sea and sambuka's :D Hey after two weeks of intense exams, we deserved it! To avoid the SUPER crazy shananigans of the likes of Magaluf and Santa Ponsa, we decided to go to somewhere slightly calmer, little did we know that it would be every bit as cray cray and wild (hence the lack of night-time photo's lol), not to our disappointment, as post-leaving cert-ers!

As much fun as the drunken night-time antics were, I have to admit that, despite the permanent hangover, the day time activities were definitely my favourite part! We managed to fit everything from Para-gliding, Banana-boating, mini-golfing, water-parking,  fish pedicuring, and even tattoo-getting (not for low-pain-threshold Jenni, by the way) into one short week!

 Although there was the occasional mishap like the losing of tenners, passports, shoes and even phones, I wouldn't change a thing about it! Yes I might have dropped my friends water-proof camera into the sea whilst pedal-boating, but even then the lovely town-folk managed to help us look for it and returned it to us two days later when they recognised us on the beach :) And yes, I may have dropped a fifty euro note out of our 7 story balcony into the busy streets below, never to be found again, whilst cleaning out my backpack, but I managed to survive without expensive dinners for the week! And I guess I wasn't having that much fun when I was full sure that the huge shadow in the water whilst para-gliding was a whale and experienced a minor panick attack - mid-air, only to discover it was in fact the shadow of the parachute above us, but I lived :) And okay sure, I did forget to put on suncream one day and ended up with feet literally the size of water-melons and had to sleep upright with my two swollen ankles in two huge cooking pots full of cold water, but in the end, every one else seemed to get a kick out of the fact that I had to walk for 2 days afterwards with crutches, and isn't that whats really important? :)

All in all, it was an amazing holiday spent with amazing people, and I would recommend anyone to go on a girls holiday if you're ever in need of a de-stress or just a groovy time, you wont regret it :) Anywho thanks for reading, see yaaa <3

Jenni :)

College Stress!

Hey Hey!

So, this is my first blog post ever and I'm not even too sure anyone will be able to see this, but here goes!
While all adults say 'College isn't just fun and friends, theres a lot of study to it aswell', or 'once the term really begins, the college work begins to pile up', I always thought that it was just something they had to say but didn't actually mean like 'eat your veg to grow up big and strong' or 'be on your best behaviour and someday we might come back and get you that big dollhouse you wanted' (never actually happens). I always thought that it was just a standard warning and precaution they did so that we didn't only think about the social aspect of college, but think about the learning opportunities also! Didn't everybody? Well, after recently starting what seems to be the hardest course EVER, I have come to realise that they really mean business this time! So while I spend my whole summer thinking of all the cray cray stuff I'll be doing in college, like going on ski-trips, or going on charity sky-dives, going to amazing partay's or taking the occasional chill pill with my new-found homies, not even thinking about the possibility of having to even open a book before Christmas, apparently everybody else in my course was doing the exact opposite, and preparing for the course itself, and not the future social endeavours! So now, heres me, with a mind full of cool-ass party theme ideas, and not a word of French or Italian in sight :)

I'm currently studying (well, trying to) French and Italian, in Trinity College in Dublin, and even after only being in college for four short weeks, have managed to let every little thing any teacher has mentioned, slip right through one ear, and out the other. To make matters worse, it seems like every one of my fellow Trinners somehow have the ability to catch, process, and remember every detail that wafts past their little listeners (their ears hehe). Not only that, but does anyone else feels like momma's can sense when you're stressed, and seem to get a kick out of adding to it, or trying to see how much agitation they can get out of you?! I mean, you'd think that if they saw you lazing around doing nothing, they would have the cop on to realise that you are TRYING to de-stress and the most they should do to annoy you should be asking you what type icecream you would like :) Not 'Jenni, when are you gonna get a job' or 'Jenni, why don't you seem to have any college work to do' (emm, hello, why do today what you can do tomorrow, right?) or 'Jenni, stop using the dog as a foot rest and leave some food for the rest of the family, we have to eat too!' I mean seriously, a gurl can't catch a break!

So basically, with momma troubles, college bothers, and (lack of ) income predicaments, I decided that the only way to solve my problems is to write a blog post about it of course :D
Thanks guys for anyone who managed to stay with me throughout my #RelateableRant and my horrendous spelling and grammar, and hope to speak to y'all soon! See yaaaa <3


Jenni :))